Iran's Gas Production Capacity to Increase by 20m Cubic Meters a Day
The executor of Tabnak, Shanol, Waravi, Homa and Gardan gas development projects Sa'edouni said that the project to develop the gas field will boost the current production capacity which is 56 million cubic meters per day, and enjoys priority over other gas development projects in the country since the oil field is exceptionally rich in gas reserves.
The reserves of Tabnak gas field stands at 14,820 billion cubic feet, said Sa'edouni, adding, "Once the first phase of the project for development of Tabnak gas field comes on stream, 20 million cubic meters of natural gas would be produced from 12 wells a day." Operations to drill 31 to 32 wells in Tabnak Gas Field are being implemented jointly by National Iranian Drilling Company (NIDC) and a consortium, comprising a Chinese and an Iranian company.
Executive operations on the project started in January and is set to be over in 15 months. The first phase of the project has so far shown about 24 to 25 percent physical progress.
Elsewhere in the Interview, Sa'edouni said eight wells will be drilled in Shanol and five in Waravi oil fields.
It is estimated that 17 million cubic meters of gas will be obtained from Shanol and 5.7 million cubic meters from Waravi oil field a day.
The two projects would take at least one year to be implemented, he added.
Shanol gas field has 6,000 billion cubic feet of natural gas and Waravi 1.47 trillion cubic feet, he noted.
He said Homa gas field has 4.182 trillion cubic feet of gas reserves. The field is estimated to produce 14 million cubic meters of gas a day. Projects for development of the four above-mentioned fields are expected to cost Rls.875 billion.
Iran's natural gas output capacity would rise up to 100 million cubic meters a day once Tabnak, Shanol, Waravi and Homa gas fields go into production, in addition, 50,000 barrels of condensed gases will also be produced a day from these fields.